Practice Management on Embodia - Part 1: Charting
You can use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate the starting point of a chart entry based on the recording of the consult.
The recommended process involves the following steps:
- Record the consult with the patient;
- Upload the recording to the consult page on Embodia;
- While the recording is being transcribed, create a new chart entry by using a chart template;
- At the end of the day, review all the chart entries that were generated using AI and are pending review
Enabling AI Charting for your account
To enable AI Charting for your clinic, as the clinic manager, go to Charting > AI Charting, and then click on the Enable AI Charting button.
Once the AI Charting has been enabled for the clinic, you need to grant AI Charting permission to the practitioners to use it.
Recording the consult with the patient
In person-consults
For in-person consults, you can record the consult directly from the consult page. For this to work properly, please ensure that both the practitioner and the patient are in close proximity to the device microphone.
From the consult page, locate the Consult recording section, and then click on Record.
Next, you will be able to test if the microphone is working properly, by speaking into it and seeing if there is any activity in the microphone indicator (the indicator bars will turn green). If all is good, click on the Record button to start recording
Once the recording starts, the recording button will turn red and display and count-up timer.
Click on the recording button again to pause the recording. Once paused, you will be able to:
- Listen to the current recording. It is recommended for the first few recordings to pause the recording after a minute or so and listen to it to ensure that the audio is clear. If all is good, you can resume recording.
- Resume: resume the recording;
- Save: Save the recoding and upload it to Embodia for processing. Once the recording is saved, no further modifications can be made to it and no new recording can be recorded/uploaded for this consult
- Discard: Discard the current recording and restart the recording from scratch.
- Download: Download the current recording to your device. You will no longer be able to download the recording once it is saved or discarded.
If your browser does not support recording audio, or you do not wish to use your browser, you can record the consult using another device (such as your phone), and then upload the recording by clicking on the Upload button in the Consult recording section.
Virtual consults
Important: Using the "record" functionality described above might not be suitable for virtual consults since it will only record the audio captured by the device microphone, which will lead to only recording the audio of one participant.
For virtual consults, we recommend using the recording functionality from the telerehab solution. This will ensure that the recording will capture both sides of the virtual consult.
If you are using Zoom as the telerehab solution to run the consult, can learn more about how to record the consult on the Zoom support website.
If you are using the Embodia Telerehab solution, you will be able to record the consult locally by clicking on the "Record" button once you join the call.
Note: If the record button is not showing up, this could be due to your browser not supporting the recording feature. Trying switching your browser (to use Google Chrome, or Brave).
After the consult, you can upload the recording by clicking on the Upload button in the Consult recording section
Transcribing the recording
Once the recording is saved/uploaded, Embodia will automatically transcribe it to text. The time to complete the transcription depends on the length of recording. It usually takes about 2 minutes per hour of recording.
While waiting for the transcription to complete, we recommend starting a new chart by clicking on the Chart icon next to the participant, and selecting the appropriate chart template for the chart entry.
Once the transcription is done, you will be able to download the transcript (if you wish to keep a record of it), and provide a rating for the quality of the transcript. If a chart entry was created for the consult, the recording will automatically be used to generate the starting point of the chart entry.
Using the recording to generate the starting point of the chart
If you have started a new chart entry before or while the transcription is in progress, once the recording is transcribed, start a new chart entry for the consult. You can use a charting template or manually add the chart items to the chart. Keep the chart items blank. Once all the chart items have been added, click on the "Use AI to generate a chart for this consult!" link in the top banner.
It will take a few moments to populate the chart items. As the information is AI-generated, it may contain incorrect information. Always verify the content and make any necessary changes. Provide a rating to indicate that the chart entry has been review. This will also provide valuable feedback to help improve chart generation.
Which questions will get populated?
Not all questions in the chart will get populated with AI. To get populated, the following criteria need to be met:
- The question should be blank, i.e. not previously answer.
- The question should be one of the following types: Free text, Single answer, Multiple answers, and Range.
Reviewing the charts generated with AI
You can get a list of all the chart entries generated with AI that are pending review by going to Charting > My charts > Pending review.
Review the chart entry and provide a rating to move it from the "Pending review" state.
Customizing the generation for your chart items
A Large Language Model (LLM) is used to generate the chart using AI. To generate the proper content, the LLM needs to be given instructions of what task they need to accomplish. This is referred to as a prompt. Each question in each chart item will have its own prompt that will let the LLM know how to answer it.
By default, Embodia will use the question as part of the prompt. If you wish to override that prompt, when building/editing your chart items, click on the Change LLM prompt link.
In the popup form, you can override part of the prompt (the text in bold):